THEME: “Nahiusang Katawhan Nakigdait sa Kalibutan”
(“One People in Communion with the Earth”)
The life and culture of the indigenous peoples have always been linked to the land. Since time immemorial, Davao has been the homeland of the Indigenous Peoples and land has become the core of their existence. If their land is lost, so is their culture and traditions. Thus, there is a need to defend the indigenous peoples’ ancestral lands for them to continually live and practice their way of life- consulting the spirits, working with nature and sharing with others. This is the main reason of celebrating the Kadayawan sa Dabaw 2009.
(“One People in Communion with the Earth”)
The life and culture of the indigenous peoples have always been linked to the land. Since time immemorial, Davao has been the homeland of the Indigenous Peoples and land has become the core of their existence. If their land is lost, so is their culture and traditions. Thus, there is a need to defend the indigenous peoples’ ancestral lands for them to continually live and practice their way of life- consulting the spirits, working with nature and sharing with others. This is the main reason of celebrating the Kadayawan sa Dabaw 2009.
August 16-19 events...
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On-going and other accredited events...
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